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Short code overview
Updated over 4 months ago

What is short code?

Short codes are 5- or 6-digit phone numbers used by businesses to send high-volume SMS and MMS messages with maximum throughput. Once you purchase your short code through TextUs, or if you’re migrating your existing short code, you’ll need to register your short code campaign to get carrier approval before you can use your short code.

Why do I need to register my short code campaign?

Registering a short code campaign is required by all US mobile carriers to ensure that short code messaging services are used responsibly and in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Short code registration allows carriers to get additional information on Application-to-Person (A2P) message senders and the type of traffic being sent to their mobile subscribers.

US mobile carriers consider all messages coming from applications such as TextUs to be A2P messaging. Any business who wants to text their consumers will need to register their short code, regardless of which texting platform they choose. By ensuring that all short code programs meet carrier requirements, this registration process helps to build trust with customers by minimizing spam and only allowing legitimate messaging through short code numbers.

How do I register my short code campaign?

Registering a short code campaign for your brand can be done through a short code registration form provided by TextUs. You’ll need to provide details such as information about your business, links to your privacy policy and terms of service, your method of opt-in consent gathering, and sample messages of the texts you will be sending.

After you’ve completed our registration form, TextUs will submit the registration on your behalf. If additional information or documentation is needed, a TextUs representative will work with you to submit that as well. Once your short code registration is accepted and approved, your organization and short code program will be registered as a vetted sender for A2P messaging.

For more information on how to register your short code with TextUs, see How to register your short code.

I’m migrating an existing short code to TextUs. Do I still need to register a new short code campaign?

If you’re migrating an existing short code to TextUs, you’ll still need to register a new short code campaign with TextUs. This is because each messaging provider requires its own campaign registration to ensure compliance with carrier regulations and message throughput requirements. Our team will guide you through the campaign registration process to make the migration as smooth as possible.

Can short code numbers message internationally?

No, short code numbers are country specific and can only message contacts within the same country to which they are registered. Currently we only offer short code numbers within the US.

How long does it take for short code registration to be approved?

The TextUs team will submit your registration for approval, and will let you know if additional information is required. Typical approval times take between 6-8 weeks if no additional information is required. Submitting a short code registration without meeting all of the outlined requirements could result in significant delays to your approval process.

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