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Account analytics
Updated over a week ago

The Analytics > Overview page displays analytics data for your organization’s TextUs account, allowing you to make the most of your monthly message plan.

How account analytics work

The analytics information on the Overview page varies based on your role and the account you’re using. To be able to access analytics for all accounts within your organization, you need to be an org admin using the organization account. Users who view the Overview page from a lower-level account can only see data for that account and its branch accounts.

View your account analytics

You can use the following options to view your account’s analytics:

  1. Select the account for which you want to view analytics using the account dropdown menu.

  2. Go to the Analytics > Overview page.

  3. Click the Account dropdown menu and select from the following options:

    • On this account: Displays analytics for the account you are using.

    • On this account and below: Displays analytics for the account you are using and all accounts below it.

  4. Use the Time Period dropdown to select a date range. You can also select the Custom Range option to specify exact dates using the Start Date and End Date fields.

  5. The updated account analytics is displayed in the Users by Organization, Message Deliverability, and User Engagement tables.

How to interpret your account analytics

The information below details how to interpret the key information displayed in the Users by Organization, Message Deliverability, and User Engagement tables.

Tip: The information in your account analytics report is most useful when it is viewed as an org admin from the organization account and the account filter is set to on this account and below.

Users by organization

The Users by Organization table includes a detailed breakdown of all users that are currently using TextUs within your organization’s accounts.

The information below defines the fields included in the Users by Organization table.



Organization Name

The name of the organizational account.

Parent Account

The name of the parent account for the branch account you are using to view the information.

Account Name

The name of the messaging account you are using to view the information.

User Name

The names of the users in the account.

User Role

The roles of the users in the account.

Account Created

The account creation date.

User Created

The user creation date.

Message Deliverability

The Message Deliverability table gives you an overview of the performance of each user on the accounts within your organization, as well as how effectively each user is messaging contacts.

The information below defines the fields included in the Message Deliverability table.



Organization Name

The name of the organizational account.

Parent Account

The name of the parent account for the branch account you are using to view the information.

Account Name

The name of the messaging account you are using to view the information.

User Name

The name of the user who sent the messages.

Active User

The status of the user in the account.

Sent messages

The number of sent messages within the configured start date and end date.

Delivered messages

The number of delivered messages within the configured start date and end date.

Failed messages

The number of failed messages within the configured start date and end date.

Received Messages

The number of received messages within the configured start date and end date.

Delivered Rate

The percentage of messages delivered out of the total messages sent.

Failed Rate

The percentage of messages failed out of the total messages sent.

Sent and Received Ratio

The proportion of sent messages to received messages.

User Engagement

The User Engagement table provides an overview of your users’ active conversations and their effectiveness in keeping contacts engaged.

The information below defines the fields included in the User Engagement table.



Organization Name

The name of your organizational account.

Parent Account

The name of the parent account for the branch account you are using to view the information.

Account Name

The name of the messaging account you are using to view the information.

User Name

The name of the user who sent the messages in the conversation.

Active Conversations

Active inbound or outbound conversations within the configured start date and end date.

Messages per Conversation

The average number of messages sent by the user in the conversation.

Active Conversations with Responses

The number of conversations that have an inbound and outbound pair of messages within one week of each other.

Active Conversations Response Rate

The proportion of total active conversations with a response. The formula for this rate is calculated as active conversations with responses / active conversations.

Customer Initiated Conversations

The amount of active conversations that have been started by an inbound message from a contact.

Total Response Rate

The total response rate with active conversations. Calculated using the formula active conversations with responses / active conversations.

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