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Understanding opt-outs
Updated over a year ago

Learn about how contacts can opt out of text messages from TextUs. For information on how to manage your organization's opt-outs, see Managing opt-outs.

How opt-outs work

As a business, you must follow certain guidelines to ensure you only send text messages to customers that want to receive them to comply with SMS regulations. Opt-outs allow customers and contacts to opt out of receiving text messages from your organization. Contacts can either opt out by texting in an opt-out keyword, or they can be manually opted out by someone within your organization.

After a contact is opted out, they will no longer be able to receive SMS or MMS from any phone number in your organization. Contacts can only opt back in by replying to the last received text message with an opt-in keyword.

Opt-out keywords

An opt-out keyword is a specific word sent from a contact that will automatically opt them out of receiving future text messages from your organization’s TextUs account. Any contact can opt-out at any time by texting one of the keywords below to a phone number in your organization. When a valid opt-out keyword is received, TextUs will record that opt-out and all phone numbers in your organization will be prevented from texting that number.


  • If you wish to change your organization's opt-outs from being company-wide by default, please reach out to the TextUs Support Team for assistance.

  • Opt-out keywords must be sent as the only word in the inbound message. For example, if a contact replies “Stop” they will be automatically opted out, but a reply of “Stop please” will not automatically opt out the contact.

Supported opt-out keywords

  • STOP




  • END

  • QUIT

When a contact texts in an opt-out keyword, they will also receive the following message:

  • Please reply with ‘START’ to opt back into receiving messages from this number.

Opt-in keywords

TextUs provides a way for contacts to voluntarily opt back into receiving texts from your organization after previously opting out. Contacts can do so by texting either of the words "START" or "UNSTOP" to any phone number in your organization.

Supported opt-in keywords



When a contact texts in an opt-in keyword, they will also receive the following message:

  • Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg & Data Rates May Apply.

Note: If you are using a toll-free number, a contact can only opt back in by texting UNSTOP.

Manually opt out a contact

To manually opt out a contact:

  1. Go to your Inbox and open the conversation.

  2. Click the Contact Info icon to view the contact’s details.

  3. Click the three dot menu and select Opt Out Number.

Important note: After a contact has been opted out, they cannot be manually opted back in. The contact can only opt back in voluntarily by texting an opt-in keyword to your phone number.

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