TextUs tries to determine whether every phone number in our system is a mobile number that is capable of receiving text messages. However, due to many different factors, we can only be 100% sure after the message is sent.
To check if you can text a number, look at the icons on the left side of the contact's phone number in the Contact Details view or in the Contact Info view.
If you see a
cell phone icon with a checkmark, it means you've texted this number already and the message was delivered successfully.
If you see a
cell phone icon that is blank, it means you can text this number but we are not 100% certain that the phone number belongs to a cell phone.
If you see a
cell phone icon with an x, it means this number is not able to receive text messages.
If you see a
question mark icon, it means TextUs does not recognize the number as a mobile phone or a landline. In this case, we recommend sending a text to the number to see if it will be delivered successfully.