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Manage contacts
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Whether your TextUs account contains several contacts or several hundred contacts,

TextUs simplifies contact management so you can easily search, edit, and manage your contacts.

Search for contacts

To search for a contact, click the Contacts tab then click the magnifying glass icon. In the Search Contacts field, enter a contact’s name, phone number, business, or tags. For best results, use the following search tips:

Note: Contact searches are not case sensitive. Make sure you use the correct syntax as listed below.

Contact Details


Example Search Syntax


The contact’s first name, last name, or full name.

  • name: "Lorenzo"

  • name: "Lorenzo Marolda"

Phone number

At least three digits of your contact’s phone number. For the more accurate results, try to enter the full nine digits.

  • 561265

  • 5125612654

Business name

The contact’s business name.

  • business: "TextUs"

  • business: "Ocin Capital"


A contact tag listed on the Contact Details menu.

  • tags: "New York"

  • tags: "sales"

Multiple parameters

For advanced searches, combine multiple contact detail parameters.

  • tags: "New York" name: "Lorenzo"

  • business: "TextUs" tags: "sales"

Create a Saved Search

Saved searches let you store the search criteria so that you can perform the same search later without re-entering it. This can be useful for complex searches that you use repeatedly.

To save a search, click the Save Search button on the right side of your search results. Enter a title for the search, then click Submit. Your saved search is listed on the left sidebar under Saved Searched. Note that any future contact you add that meets the search criteria will be added to the saved search group.

Tip: You can use your saved searches to quickly add multiple contacts to Groups, Campaigns, and Sequences.

Edit a contact

To edit a contact, click the contact’s name or phone number to open the Contact Details pop up, then click the pencil icon. On the Edit Contacts view, update the contact’s information, then click Submit to save your changes.

Add a tag to a contact

You can organize your contacts using tags to help you quickly find a contact based on a specific label.

To add a tag to a contact, click the contact’s name or phone number, then click the pencil icon on the Contact Details menu. In the Add or Create Tags field, enter one or two words associated with the contact. For example, “Denver” or “sales lead”.

Tip: You can also edit tags by uploading a CSV file that contains your contact’s existing information with updated tags.

Remove a contact

To remove a contact, select the contact on the contact list, then click the vertical ellipsis, and click Remove Contacts.

Note: For organizations that share contacts across messaging accounts, org admins must remove the contact from the organization account level to completely delete the contact from all accounts.

Manage contacts with batch actions

You can use the batch actions on your contact list to quickly access some of the most important features in TextUs. To access batch actions, select one or more contacts, then click any of the following actions that appear in the ribbon menu:

The table below lists the different batch actions on the ribbon menu:

Batch Action


Send Message

Allows you to send a text message to up to 10 contacts. Contacts will each receive the same message individually.

Send Campaign

Allows you to send a new campaign to the selected contacts.

Enroll in Sequence

Allows you to add the contact to an existing sequence. This action is only available if your account has a Sequences license applied.

Add Contacts to Group

Allows you to add the contact to a new or existing group.

Opt Out Number

Manually opts out a contact and then notifies them via SMS message.

Block Number

Blocks a contact from messaging the number assigned to your TextUs account. Note that blocked contacts can receive your messages, but are not able to send you messages.

Unblock Number

Unblocks a contact’s number if it was previously blocked.

Remove Contacts

Removes a contact from your account. Note that contacts shared between messaging accounts can only be deleted from the org account.

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