The TextUs integration for Oracle Taleo connects your TextUs accounts with your Oracle Taleo instance so that you can do the following:
Automatically import candidates and sync candidate details from Oracle Taleo into TextUs.
Send and receive text messages with candidates in Oracle Taleo.
Step 1: Set up Taleo Web Service Framework
Before you begin your integration setup within TextUs, you will need to ensure that your Taleo instance is properly configured and ready to connect. This is required in order to activate your integration.
Enable the Web Service Framework
In order to set up your integration, you must have Web Service permissions enabled for your Taleo instance. These are necessary in order for access to the Taleo API, which the integration will need in order to function correctly. By default, the Web Service framework is disabled. If you do not have Web Service permissions enabled, you will need to contact your Taleo customer representative to purchase and activate them for your account.
Obtain the Web Services WSDL files
To activate your integration, you will also need the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) files corresponding to the Web Services framework on your account. If you have access to the WSDL download page within Taleo, you can generate your WSDL files yourself. Otherwise, you will need to request them from your Taleo customer representative.
Step 2: Set up your integration system user
Next, you will create a new user account within your Oracle Taleo instance and grant that user all permissions required by the integration. You should save the new User ID and Password for this account, as you will need it later when authenticating your integration within TextUs.
To create and configure this new user account, complete the following steps:
Create a new Taleo User Account activated with Web Service permissions.
Navigate to Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts.
Define your User Type as Recruiting.
Define your User Group as Recruiting Center.
Define your Coverage Area as Requisitions and Search.
Configure account access to endpoint fields. The following access permissions are required for the integration:
Taleo Export Request | Field Path |
Offer (projectedClass: Offer) | Application,Number AcceptedDate RefusedDate ExtendDate ActualStartDate Status,Number Status,Description UserAfterApprovalSuccess,UserNo |
Job Interview Stage (projectedClass: ApplicationState) | Number Description |
Attachments (projectedClass: Candidate) | Number AttachedFiles,Number AttachedFiles,FileName AttachedFiles,AttachmentType,Code AttachedFiles,FileContent |
Requisition (projectedClass: Requisition) | Number ContestNumber JobInformation,Title JobInformation,CreationDate JobInformation,LastModifiedDate JobInformation,DescriptionExternalHTML JobInformation,PrimaryLocation,Number JobInformation,OtherLocations,Location,Number State,Number State,Description Requision,Department,Number Requisition,HiringManager |
Office (projectedClass: WorkLocation) |
Candidate (projectedClass: Candidate) | Candidate,FirstName Candidate,LastName Candidate,CreationDate Candidate,LastModifiedDate Candidate,InclusiveLastModifiedDate Candidate,Anonymous Candidate,NotifyByEmail Candidate,City Candidate,HomePhone Candidate,MobilePhone Candidate,WorkPhone Candidate,Number Candidate,ReferralType Candidate,CandidateReferrer,Number Candidate,EmailAddress Candidate,WebSite Candidate,Applications,Number Candidate,Applications,Requisition,ContestNumber Candidate,Applications,Requisition,Number Candidate,Applications,ReferralType Candidate,Applications,ApplicationState,Description Candidate,Applications,DisqualifierResultDate Candidate,Applications,LetterSendRegretLetter Candidate,Applications,DisqualifierResult,Number Candidate,Applications,DisqualifierResult,Description |
Sources (projectedClass: RecruitmentSource) | Description LastModifiedDate |
User (projectedClass: User) | User,UserNo User,FirstName User,LastName User,CorporateEmail User,PersonalEmail User,CorrespondenceEmail User,UserAccount,AccountCreationDate |
Step 3: Enable the Oracle Taleo integration in TextUs
Now that you have created a new user within Oracle Taleo with all the required permissions, it’s time to configure the integration within TextUs. To do this, complete the following steps:
Log in to with your org admin user account.
In the TextUs web app, click on your user icon and go to Accounts.
On the Accounts page, find your org account at the top of the account hierarchy and click View.
Click the Settings tab, then click Account Settings > Integrations.
Click find the Oracle Taleo box and click Connect.
In the modal, you will be prompted to enter your Taleo Server URL. Follow the instructions provided within the modal to obtain this, either by finding your welcome email or requesting a new welcome email.
You will then be asked for your Oracle Taleo credentials. Enter the User ID and Password for the user account you just created based on the directions earlier in this article.
The integration process is complete. Oracle Taleo will now display under Connected at the top of the Integrations page.