The TextUs integration for Greenhouse includes the following features:
Send and receive two-way text messages and campaigns to candidates in Greenhouse using the TextUs Chrome extension.
Automatic import of candidate records from Greenhouse into TextUs.
Automatic syncing and display of Greenhouse candidate data such as job ID, candidate status, job stage, and more in TextUs.
Log your team’s text conversations in TextUs back to Greenhouse candidate records.
Automatic contact sync with Greenhouse
After you have finished setting up your Greenhouse V3 integration, TextUs will automatically initiate a contact sync. This will import all candidate records from your Greenhouse account into your TextUs account. Each candidate will be added as a new contact that includes their name, phone number, email, candidate ID, and application ID. If a candidate already has an existing contact record within TextUs, all Greenhouse information will be added to that existing contact and no new contact will be created.
Note: The length of time it will take for TextUs to complete this initial contact sync varies depending on the amount of candidate records in Greenhouse. For best results, we recommend setting up the integration at the end of a workday and beginning use the following day.
After this initial process, TextUs will continuously sync information from Greenhouse and update the relevant contacts if there are any changes to the fields that were previously imported.
How to use the TextUs Chrome extension with Greenhouse
The TextUs Chrome extension allows you to send and receive text messages and campaigns to candidates right from your Greenhouse instance.
To take advantage of these features, you’ll first need to download and install the TextUs Chrome extension in your Chrome web browser. For more information, see Install the TextUs Chrome extension.
Supported Pages
The TextUs Chrome extension supports Candidate records and Job pages in Greenhouse.
Find and message contacts with the Find Numbers feature
The Find Numbers feature extracts any name and phone number information on Greenhouse Candidate pages. To use this feature, open the Candidate record of the contact you'd like to import and make sure the Candidate details tab is open. If this tab is not already open by default, click the Candidate icon on the top of the right side menu to open it. Then select the Find Numbers icon from the top bar of the TextUs Chrome Extension to import the contact.
After the import is complete, all added contact information is displayed on the Imported Contacts page of the extension. From this page, you can use batch actions to send targeted text messages, campaigns, or enroll contacts in a sequence (available with Automation licenses only).
Find Numbers from a Candidate record
To import an individual Greenhouse candidate, complete the following steps:
Login to your Greenhouse account.
Click Candidates on the top menu bar.
Click the name of the candidate you’d like to import to open their Candidate record.
Open the TextUs Chrome extension side panel and click the Find Numbers icon.
Note: If Find Numbers isn't working, ensure that the Candidate details tab is expanded as shown in the image above. To expand the tab if it is not shown by default, click the Candidate icon on the top of the right side menu.
Find Numbers from a Job
Note: Find Numbers from a Job is only supported in the new TextUs Chrome extension. Users of the legacy TextUs Next Extension will not be able to access it. To download the latest extension, please see Install the TextUs Chrome extension.
To import from the candidate pool for a job, complete the following steps:
Login to your Greenhouse account.
Click Jobs on the top menu bar.
Click the name of the job you’d like to import candidates from. This will open the Job Dashboard for that position.
Open the TextUs Chrome extension and click the Find Numbers icon.
Confirm which Job you would like to import candidates from using the dropdown menu.
Select which Job stages you would like to import. You can select any number of stages. Only candidates in these stages will be imported.
Click Continue in order to finish your import.
View Greenhouse candidate details in TextUs
Your Greenhouse integration automatically brings in key data about your candidate and displays this information inside of TextUs. This makes it easy to track your candidate’s journey through the interview process and view key data like their status, email, and application details as you communicate with them.
To view a candidate’s Greenhouse information within TextUs, complete the following steps:
Login to
Click the Contacts tab.
Find the contact you’d like to view details for. Contacts that are linked to Greenhouse will have a blue Linked to
icon to the right of the contact name.
Click on contact’s name or phone number to open the Contact Details popup.
Click the pencil icon to the right of their name to open the Edit Contact view.
Expand the Greenhouse Details section.
In the Greenhouse details section, you’ll be able to view a candidate’s Candidate ID, Application ID, Candidate status, Job, Job stage, and email address.
Update or remove Greenhouse information from TextUs contacts
If you want to update a contact’s information manually or unlink them from the Greenhouse integration entirely, you can do so from the Edit Contact screen as described below.
Updating Candidate ID or Application ID
To update a contact’s Candidate ID or Application ID, complete the following steps:
Click the Contacts tab.
Find the contact that you want to edit and click on their name or phone number to open the Contact Details popup.
Click the pencil icon to the right of their name to open the Edit Contact view.
Expand the Greenhouse Details section.
Expand the Candidate ID or Application ID dropdowns to see a list of all possible IDs for this contact.
Select the new Candidate ID or Application ID from the list.
Click Save.
Note: If there is an issue with our connection to Greenhouse, you’ll see “No IDs found, try again later.” If there are no other IDs for that candidate, you’ll see “No Duplicate IDs Found.”
Unlinking a Contact
To unlink a contact so that they will no longer sync with Greenhouse, complete the following steps. Please note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone.
Click the Contacts tab.
Find the contact that you want to edit and click on their name or phone number to open the Contact Details popup.
Click the pencil icon to the right of their name to open the Edit Contact view.
Expand the Greenhouse Details section.
Click Unlink. You will see a confirmation screen asking you to confirm this action.
Click Unlink again to confirm. Remember, this action cannot be undone.
View conversation history in Greenhouse
Your Greenhouse integration automatically logs all text conversations back to the corresponding Candidate records. This allows your team to keep track of TextUs conversations alongside all other actions that have occurred for each individual candidate.
You can view these logged messages on the Activity Feed tab of a Candidate record. Each note includes the message direction (inbound or outbound), message details, user details, and timestamps.
If you have any questions or run into issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.